Show Your Appreciation to All SysAdmins Today and Everyday


Great work to all the System Administrators in the world! These hard working, dedicated men and women play a huge role in all our lives. From our desks to our home offices, they are the backbone of the technology that integrates into our daily routines. They jump in when needed and often necessary, will work 24-hour days and thru the weekend to troubleshoot outages, increase capacity, fight ransomware, or answer questions from us. One of their major responsibilities is to make sure they have a data protection insurance policy if data is lost, a final backstop to protect our business data, our system configurations, and our corporate histories.

We’d like to take the time now to show our appreciation to all System Administrators, from our team to yours!

For Catalogic Software, we would like to thank our IT Manager, Dawuan Myers, for continuous help on all ends of our business. Please check out Dawuan’s Q&A and learn from his experiences:



Dawuan Myers – Q&A

  1. What keeps you up at night?
    Not what many will say. Being part of a backup company where I know I have robust recovery processes and products allows me to sleep pretty well at night.

    These days, my nightmares often have to do with waking up to a $100k cloud bill from a runaway workload or a code change deployment. It has happened once before and hopefully never again!

  2. What do you see as the biggest emerging threat?
    People taking advantage of your weaknesses is a profession. Recent Ransomware and cybersecurity trends are maddening, and it’s hard to fathom that there is an industry built to make your life miserable. The thought of going through a major attack over a long weekend when I am looking forward to spending time with family is just sickening to me.
  3. What would be your advice to management to make a sysadmin’s job easier?
    Our management team has been great and incredibly supportive. They allow us to keep our systems up to date with patches which helps us fight any known cyber threats before reaching our network. If I had to give any advice; it would be to continue to be supportive and patch your systems.
  4. What would be your request to your users that would make your job easier?
    Be safe and continue to communicate.

    With all that is going on with malware and ransomware threats, I always advise our users to take a safe approach and communicate anything that looks suspicious. Being proactive is always better than being reactive.

  5. What would you want to do more of? Or learn more of?

    The Linux OS is something I would like to continue to learn more about. Coming into Catalogic Software 7 years ago with a Windows OS background, I needed to learn Linux OS and commands quickly. We do have a mixed environment, however a lot of what we do is based around Linux. I would like to take the next step up from being an Intermediate Linux administrator.

  6. We know you just got promoted to be an IT Manager. Congratulations! What are you most looking forward to, in your new role?
    Thanks! I look forward to continuing to improve our network and help support and manage the cloud infrastructure costs for CloudCasa, our new cloud native, Kubernetes backup-as-a-service.


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